Looking for a daytrip in an island? Visit Mbudya island a marine reserve island located at the north of the country’s largest business city, Dar es Salaam and is one among the distinctive islands of the Dar es Salaam Marine Reserve.

The island lies close to Kunduchi fishing community and takes around 15-20-minutes motorboat ride crossing from the mainland. It is situated about 3 km offshore, within easy reach of the hotels on the North coast of Dar es Salaam.

For a daytrip for both tourists and Tanzanian residents Mbudya island is the finest choice serving as a location for a variety of leisure activities, including hiking, snorkelling and sunbathing.

The Island is characterized with sand beaches on the western and eastern sides. On the western side, it is possible to have barbecued fish with chips and drinks under casuarina trees and Bandas (local shade facilities) in which one can rest in.

You can arrange a day trip to the island and experience the finest leisure activities.

Image: High angle view of Mbudya island

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