Kilimanjaro – The Roof of Africa

Mount Kilimanjaro is the crown of Tanzania, located in Moshi Town in the Kilimanjaro region.

This Mountain is one of Africa’s top three Natural Wonders and can be climbed at any time of the year, but the best time is considered to be from August to October and January to March.

Mount Kilimanjaro rose abruptly from the open plains, capped by snow and frequently fringed by clouds.

This Mountain is the highest mountain in Africa and the highest walkable summit in the world.

The highest point on Kibo and the whole of Kilimanjaro is Uhuru peak, with its spectacular hanging glaciers and breathtaking views of the African plain some 20,000 feet below.

Kibo base is the slightly lower peak of Gillman’s point; after that point, you reach Stella Point. Then next is Uhuru Peak, which is 19,344 feet above sea level.

Moshi town is the base of Mount Kilimanjaro, from which tourists can prepare for summit camping and adapt to the weather for a few days before hiking Mount Kilimanjaro.

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