TSC Historical Facts: Chief Meli

Chief Meli Kiusa was the monarch of Moshi, Chaggaland from 1891-1900 and the son of the Great Chief Randi Mandara (Makindara) who reigned from 1860 – 1891.

Chief Meli is notable for his bravery and dedication in the fight against the German Colonialists, he fought for Kilimanjaro territory till his death during which he was hanged on a tree with 18 other chiefs and leaders of Chagga, Meru, and Arusha tribes.

It is been told that Chief Meli was beheaded and his head was shipped to Germany and until this very moment has not been found.

📍Kilimanjaro Region

✍🏽 & 📷 @ygmbaruku

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